Our number one priority is the health and safety of our guests, crew and communities we visit and we have enhanced this commitment with our SailSAFETM health and safety program. We have developed a robust and comprehensive health and safety strategy with new and enhanced protocols to create multiple layers of protection against COVID-19. Our science-backed plan for safe and healthy cruising was developed in conjunction with a diverse group of globally recognized experts, including the SailSAFE Global Health and Wellness Council, and will be continuously evaluated and modified as science, technology and the public health environment evolves.
Safeguarding Public Health Aboard Our Ships
Onboard Public Health and Sanitation
We take great effort to maintain a healthy, safe and clean environment and have a stringent 24/7/365 public health and safety program in place. Crew are trained in best practices and to comply with applicable regulations and each ship will have a dedicated Public Health Officer on board. We work closely with public health agencies and government officials around the world, including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), to not only meet strict guidelines but aim to exceed them to protect our guests, crew and communities we visit. Our program is also validated through numerous unannounced public health inspections carried out on board our ships by multiple government agencies.
Outbreak Prevention and Response
Our Outbreak Prevention and Response Plan mitigates and helps prevent the spread of communicable diseases like the coronavirus, norovirus and influenza-like illness. We consistently update our procedures to successfully meet new challenges in our rapidly changing health environment. More importantly, our strategies are designed to be proactive to prevent communicable diseases from entering the ship environment.
Onboard Medical Services
Each of our ships has a state-of-the-art onboard medical center, staffed with highly qualified doctors and nurses, to provide care for both guests and crew while at sea. We follow guidelines for our medical facilities provided by CLIA in conjunction with the American College of Emergency Physicians. All ships have defibrillators, cardiac monitors, X-ray machines and lab equipment. Our onboard medical teams work closely with our shoreside team including our Chief Medical Officer.

Continual Public Health Training Culture
We created an interactive public health training platform for crew members to learn how to maintain a strong public health culture. We also continually provide health training, including summits featuring public health experts.
Safety at Sea
We operate all of our ships to meet and exceed the requirements of Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and International Safety Management (ISM) Code for the Safe Operation of Ships – the international safety standards which govern the cruise industry. Our ships are audited by a recognized organization to verify compliance. Our ships are flagged/registered in the Marshall Islands, United States and The Bahamas, so each ship also has a flag state inspection by their respective flag state. Every ship has a resident Safety Officer, with experience ranging between 10 and 20 years in various roles at sea.