Our responsible sourcing mission is to support our company’s strategy, long-term profitability and sustainable growth. We are committed to working with diverse partners across the supply chain to source safe, high quality, ethically responsible and sustainable products for our guests. We recognize the economic, environmental and social impact of our large global network of suppliers and expect our suppliers to share our values to drive a positive environmental and social impact, as outlined in our Supplier Code of Conduct.
Responsible Sourcing Mission Statement Supplier Code of Conduct
Animal Welfare
We are deeply committed to sourcing safe, high-quality food. Doing so includes the proper treatment of animals throughout our supply chain. We collaborate with suppliers to establish our expectations of ethical, legal, and humane treatment of animals and require our suppliers to follow all regulations and laws governing the safe and humane treatment of animals. We expect our suppliers to pursue and adopt methods and technologies to improve welfare for animals.
In support of our global sustainability program, Sail & Sustain, we strengthened efforts with new standards and goals to promote animal welfare and sustainable sourcing across four key areas: chicken, eggs, pork and seafood.
In instances where supply chain insufficiencies, uncertainties or constraints impact our ability to meet these targets, we will modify as necessary and share this information accordingly.
Learn More on pg. 31 of our 2023 Sail & Sustain ReportSustainable Initiatives
Eliminating Single-Use Plastics
We have strong focus on reducing and eventually eliminating single-use plastics across our three brands. As part of this vision, the various initiatives in place have resulted in the elimination of more than 27 million single-use plastic water bottles and 77 million plastic straws.
Aluminum water cans are being introduced in North American markets to replace tetrapaks. After conducting a lifecycle analysis, the environmental impact of aluminum cans was found to be better comparatively. We are proud to be partnering with Proud Source to shift to these more sustainable options in North America. We anticipate this change will improve our recycling efforts, as the tetrapaks are not accepted in recycling in most locations globally.
Sail & Sustain Cocktail
We’ve partnered with BarLab to develop eco-friendly cocktails. Our guests can enjoy drinks made with surplus ingredients such as pineapple rinds, orange peels, spent coffee grounds and more. Pulp, skins, seeds, pits, leaves, stems and roots are all ingredients that may normally find themselves in the landfill but instead could be used to create these unique, delicious and nutritious cocktails.
Many of our beer offerings are transitioning from glass bottles to aluminum cans. This switch was made after conducting a lifecycle analysis that demonstrated a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. In 2023, we piloted this transition for Heineken and Corona for U.S.-based voyages and saw an increase in recycling as well as a reduction in costs associated with the purchase and disposal.
Cleaning Products
Plastic cleaning and disinfectant products were replaced with Ecolab products which eliminated the need for several other cleaning products due to its high concentrated formula. It has resulted in over a 45% reduction (~20,000 pounds) of plastic containers used for cleaning and disinfecting and over 60% reduction (~24,000 pounds) of corrugated cardboard to carry those products each year.

Engaging on Climate Action
We implemented a climate-related supplier engagement strategy and in 2020 began reaching out to our top suppliers to collect climate-related information. In 2023, we targeted our top 50 suppliers, representing approximately 24% of our 2023 procurement spend. We are currently exploring ways to expand this engagement and capture additional information when on boarding suppliers.

Supplier Diversity
We recognize the value and importance of a diverse supplier base and are committed to facilitate, promote and encourage the growth of small businesses and businesses owned by diverse and/or economically disadvantaged populations.
In 2023, ~83% of our spend with small businesses, or businesses with minority, veteran, or economically disadvantage qualifications, was with only small and/or disadvantaged.